Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Ambience and Practical considerations.

Practical considerations
I will be using ‘Getting ready for the game’ and ‘Setting the net’ postings to discuss practical considerations and ambience, so please refer to these for contextual understanding. Practical as defined by the Collins English dictionary is “involving or concerning actual use; not theoretical” (Hanks, 1979, p.1150). Consideration is defined as “the act or an instance of considering” (Hanks, 1979, p. 321). If we put these meaning together and relate it to the game of soccer we get what is needed to play the game. From the two postings mentioned above you know we need a ball, goal, net, team mates and opponents. But on deliberation during the games creation it was decided that it would be practical to have shin pads and boots to prevent injury. There are also practical considerations in the conditions to play the game in because, if the pitch is too wet then you risk ruining the grass for future games.


Hanks (1979) defines ambience as “the atmosphere of a place” and Sadlo (2004) discusses the idea of “creating appropriate ambiance” (Sadlo, 2004, p.94). In relation to soccer ambience can be seen within the changing room, putting up the net, during the warm up and in the game. I the changing room we create an appropriate ambience by getting into our gear, talking about positions and how many goals we want score. During the game the ambience is also fueled by the supporters cheering for their respective teams. This also fuels the players to play harder; the atmosphere feeds us when we are on our last legs. This one characteristic of the game can be make or break for either team.
My peer review links:

Arendt, H. (1958). The Human condition. New York, Doubleday Anchor Books. in Butler, M. 2011, lecture notes on Work, in Participation in Occupation 2 (BT238001)

Christiansen, C., & Townsend, E. (2010). The occupational nature of social groups. In C. Christiansen & E. Townsend (Eds.),Introduction to occupation: The art and science of living. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.   

Elliot, M. (2008, June 19). The games that bring us together. Time. Retrieved from http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/article/0,28804,1815747_1815707_1815705,00.html

Green, T. (1968). Work, Leisure, and the American Schools. New York:, Random House.

Hamilton, T. (2010). Occupations and places. In C. Christiansen & E. Townsend (Eds.), Introduction to occupation: The art and science of living. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Hanks, P. (Ed.). (1979). Collins dictionary of the english language. New York, NY: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd.

Law, M. (Ed.). (1998). Client centered occupational therapy. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK incorporated.

Sadlo, G. (2004). On watching paint dry: An exploration of boredom. In M. Molineux (Ed.), Occupation for occupational therapists. Oxford, England: Blackwell Publishing.

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