Saturday, 8 October 2011


When I get ready for a soccer game I make sure I have had a good breakfast, that I have my drink bottle, shin pads, boots and am wearing the club shirt and black pants when I leave the house. All of these objects have links to ergonomics and affordances. The drink bottle makes sure my thirst is quenched during the game, my shin pads protect my shins from getting kicked by the other players, the boots protect my feet from getting stood on or while kicking, they also provide grip while running on the field. According to Toby Hamilton (2010) these objects attribute to the “goal of ergonomics” (Hamilton, 2010, p. 262)  which is to “improve the fit between person and their working conditions while improving safety, productivity and comfort” (Hamilton, 2010, p.262). 

You may be wondering what working condition has to do with the game of soccer. Well in this case I am talking about work in the sense of personal choice, doing something because I want to do it (Arendt, 1958), as against necessity (labour). It is my personal choice that I play soccer; I play because I love the game, I enjoy the challenges and find pleasure in developing my skills for the game (affordance). As against necessity or labour which implies that there is a need to do this occupation or activity to survive (Green, 1968). I could survive without playing soccer, those that make a living from playing soccer or who have a deep unwavering passion for the game may not be able to live without it. I know that if I couldn’t play the game that I would not be as happy, but it’s not a necessity for me to be able to live.

Reference list:

Arendt, H. (1958). The Human condition. New York, Doubleday Anchor Books. in Butler, M. 2011, lecture notes on Work, in Participation in Occupation 2 (BT238001)

Green, T. (1968). Work, Leisure, and the American Schools. New York:, Random House.

Hamilton, T. (2010). Occupations and places. In C. Christiansen & E. Townsend (Eds.), Introduction to occupation: The art and science of living. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Megan, lovely post. your reference sits excellent with what yo are saying.

    Can't think of anything to improve on for this post :)... word count?
